Many expectant mothers often experience changes in the structure and color of their teeth. They can deteriorate and become brittle due to a lack of calcium, significantly impacting their appearance and smile. As a result, many choose to have porcelain veneers placed on their front teeth.

However, questions arise:

  • Is it safe to have veneers placed during pregnancy?
  • When is the most suitable time for this?
  • Is the placement of veneers safe for the fetus?
Maternity veneers

Pregnancy Terms

During the 1st trimester, it is not advisable to place veneers unless there is an urgent need. This is the period when fetal development begins. By the 2nd trimester, the placenta has formed and provides reliable protection for the fetus. This is the safest time for dental procedures. Veneer placement should not be performed at the end of the 3rd trimester, as procedures related to it can trigger premature labor. It is essential for the patient to inform the dentist about the stage of her pregnancy.

Diagnostic Procedures

A computerized tomography scan is a mandatory step in the process. It is essential for identifying potential defects, such as:
  1. Dental decay deposits: The tooth may deteriorate underneath the veneer.
  2. Gum diseases: If not detected and treated, the gums might become inflamed after veneer placement.
Additionally, the diagnostic process aids in selecting the appropriate veneer size.

Dr. Mojgan Fajiram – Cosmetic Dentist

Modern tomography machines produce low-dose 3D images. A single scan should not impact the fetus. During diagnostics, a special lead apron is used to shield the neck, chest, abdomen, and legs up to the knees from radiation. However, expectant mothers may still have concerns about their baby’s health. In such cases, it is better to wait until after childbirth to have veneers placed.
Dr. Mojgan Fajiram Cosmetic Dentist

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is essential during the tooth preparation for veneers to provide pain relief and alleviate discomfort. Local anesthesia is safe for the baby’s development. However, anesthetics should not contain adrenaline, as it can raise blood pressure and adversely affect uterine tone.

Dr. Sheila Monahemi – Cosmetic Dentist

Pregnant women often experience increased morning sickness. Local anesthesia can exacerbate discomfort. That’s why many choose to postpone veneer placement until after giving birth.
Dr. Sheila Monahemi Cosmetic Dentist


During pregnancy, it’s essential to minimize any stress that could negatively affect the baby’s development. Sounds associated with dental procedures can be stress-inducing. The placement of veneers may require two or three visits to the dentist. Do you experience anxiety being in the dentist’s chair? Can you comfortably lie on your back for an extended period? Will it be challenging for you to endure multiple dental appointments? If you’re experiencing significant distress, it’s better to have the veneers placed after giving birth.

Schedule an appointment with one of our dentists! After the examination and consultation, it will become clear how feasible it is to have veneers placed in your clinical case.